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Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67)

Neoichor is C2 malware used by Ke3chang since at least 2019; similar malware families used by the group include Leeson and Numbldea.(Citation: Microsoft NICKEL December 2021)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
System Owner/User Discovery - T1033 (03d7999c-1f4c-42cc-8373-e7690d318104) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
System Information Discovery - T1082 (354a7f88-63fb-41b5-a801-ce3b377b36f1) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
System Language Discovery - T1614.001 (c1b68a96-3c48-49ea-a6c0-9b27359f9c19) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
Internet Connection Discovery - T1016.001 (132d5b37-aac5-4378-a8dc-3127b18a73dc) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
Data from Local System - T1005 (3c4a2599-71ee-4405-ba1e-0e28414b4bc5) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
Modify Registry - T1112 (57340c81-c025-4189-8fa0-fc7ede51bae4) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
Component Object Model - T1559.001 (2f6b4ed7-fef1-44ba-bcb8-1b4beb610b64) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016 (707399d6-ab3e-4963-9315-d9d3818cd6a0) Attack Pattern Neoichor - S0691 (4d7bf2ac-f953-4907-b114-be44dc174d67) Malware 1
System Location Discovery - T1614 (c877e33f-1df6-40d6-b1e7-ce70f16f4979) Attack Pattern System Language Discovery - T1614.001 (c1b68a96-3c48-49ea-a6c0-9b27359f9c19) Attack Pattern 2
Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 2
Internet Connection Discovery - T1016.001 (132d5b37-aac5-4378-a8dc-3127b18a73dc) Attack Pattern System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016 (707399d6-ab3e-4963-9315-d9d3818cd6a0) Attack Pattern 2
Component Object Model - T1559.001 (2f6b4ed7-fef1-44ba-bcb8-1b4beb610b64) Attack Pattern Inter-Process Communication - T1559 (acd0ba37-7ba9-4cc5-ac61-796586cd856d) Attack Pattern 2