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Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2)

Kasidet is a backdoor that has been dropped by using malicious VBA macros. (Citation: Zscaler Kasidet)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Process Discovery - T1057 (8f4a33ec-8b1f-4b80-a2f6-642b2e479580) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware System Information Discovery - T1082 (354a7f88-63fb-41b5-a801-ce3b377b36f1) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware File and Directory Discovery - T1083 (7bc57495-ea59-4380-be31-a64af124ef18) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Neutrino (3760920e-4d1a-40d8-9e60-508079499076) Malpedia 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Disable or Modify System Firewall - T1562.004 (5372c5fe-f424-4def-bcd5-d3a8e770f07b) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Security Software Discovery - T1518.001 (cba37adb-d6fb-4610-b069-dd04c0643384) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Screen Capture - T1113 (0259baeb-9f63-4c69-bf10-eb038c390688) Attack Pattern 1
Kasidet - S0088 (26fed817-e7bf-41f9-829a-9075ffac45c2) Malware Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 1
Input Capture - T1056 (bb5a00de-e086-4859-a231-fa793f6797e2) Attack Pattern Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern 2
Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547 (1ecb2399-e8ba-4f6b-8ba7-5c27d49405cf) Attack Pattern 2
Disable or Modify System Firewall - T1562.004 (5372c5fe-f424-4def-bcd5-d3a8e770f07b) Attack Pattern Impair Defenses - T1562 (3d333250-30e4-4a82-9edc-756c68afc529) Attack Pattern 2
Security Software Discovery - T1518.001 (cba37adb-d6fb-4610-b069-dd04c0643384) Attack Pattern Software Discovery - T1518 (e3b6daca-e963-4a69-aee6-ed4fd653ad58) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 2