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Get2 - S0460 (099ecff2-41b8-436d-843c-038a9aa9aa69)

Get2 is a downloader written in C++ that has been used by TA505 to deliver FlawedGrace, FlawedAmmyy, Snatch and SDBbot.(Citation: Proofpoint TA505 October 2019)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Process Discovery - T1057 (8f4a33ec-8b1f-4b80-a2f6-642b2e479580) Attack Pattern Get2 - S0460 (099ecff2-41b8-436d-843c-038a9aa9aa69) Malware 1
System Owner/User Discovery - T1033 (03d7999c-1f4c-42cc-8373-e7690d318104) Attack Pattern Get2 - S0460 (099ecff2-41b8-436d-843c-038a9aa9aa69) Malware 1
System Information Discovery - T1082 (354a7f88-63fb-41b5-a801-ce3b377b36f1) Attack Pattern Get2 - S0460 (099ecff2-41b8-436d-843c-038a9aa9aa69) Malware 1
Get2 - S0460 (099ecff2-41b8-436d-843c-038a9aa9aa69) Malware Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 1
Dynamic-link Library Injection - T1055.001 (f4599aa0-4f85-4a32-80ea-fc39dc965945) Attack Pattern Get2 - S0460 (099ecff2-41b8-436d-843c-038a9aa9aa69) Malware 1
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Get2 - S0460 (099ecff2-41b8-436d-843c-038a9aa9aa69) Malware 1
Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 2
Dynamic-link Library Injection - T1055.001 (f4599aa0-4f85-4a32-80ea-fc39dc965945) Attack Pattern Process Injection - T1055 (43e7dc91-05b2-474c-b9ac-2ed4fe101f4d) Attack Pattern 2