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Threat Group-1314 - G0028 (d519164e-f5fa-4b8c-a1fb-cf0172ad0983)

Threat Group-1314 is an unattributed threat group that has used compromised credentials to log into a victim's remote access infrastructure. (Citation: Dell TG-1314)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Threat Group-1314 - G0028 (d519164e-f5fa-4b8c-a1fb-cf0172ad0983) Intrusion Set PsExec - S0029 (ff6caf67-ea1f-4895-b80e-4bb0fc31c6db) mitre-tool 1
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Threat Group-1314 - G0028 (d519164e-f5fa-4b8c-a1fb-cf0172ad0983) Intrusion Set 1
SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern Threat Group-1314 - G0028 (d519164e-f5fa-4b8c-a1fb-cf0172ad0983) Intrusion Set 1
Threat Group-1314 - G0028 (d519164e-f5fa-4b8c-a1fb-cf0172ad0983) Intrusion Set Domain Accounts - T1078.002 (c3d4bdd9-2cfe-4a80-9d0c-07a29ecdce8f) Attack Pattern 1
Threat Group-1314 - G0028 (d519164e-f5fa-4b8c-a1fb-cf0172ad0983) Intrusion Set Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 1
Threat Group-1314 - G0028 (d519164e-f5fa-4b8c-a1fb-cf0172ad0983) Intrusion Set Software Deployment Tools - T1072 (92a78814-b191-47ca-909c-1ccfe3777414) Attack Pattern 1
Windows Service - T1543.003 (2959d63f-73fd-46a1-abd2-109d7dcede32) Attack Pattern PsExec - S0029 (ff6caf67-ea1f-4895-b80e-4bb0fc31c6db) mitre-tool 2
SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern PsExec - S0029 (ff6caf67-ea1f-4895-b80e-4bb0fc31c6db) mitre-tool 2
PsExec (6dd05630-9bd8-11e8-a8b9-47ce338a4367) Tool PsExec - S0029 (ff6caf67-ea1f-4895-b80e-4bb0fc31c6db) mitre-tool 2
Service Execution - T1569.002 (f1951e8a-500e-4a26-8803-76d95c4554b4) Attack Pattern PsExec - S0029 (ff6caf67-ea1f-4895-b80e-4bb0fc31c6db) mitre-tool 2
Lateral Tool Transfer - T1570 (bf90d72c-c00b-45e3-b3aa-68560560d4c5) Attack Pattern PsExec - S0029 (ff6caf67-ea1f-4895-b80e-4bb0fc31c6db) mitre-tool 2
Domain Account - T1136.002 (7610cada-1499-41a4-b3dd-46467b68d177) Attack Pattern PsExec - S0029 (ff6caf67-ea1f-4895-b80e-4bb0fc31c6db) mitre-tool 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Password Policy Discovery - T1201 (b6075259-dba3-44e9-87c7-e954f37ec0d5) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Remote System Discovery - T1018 (e358d692-23c0-4a31-9eb6-ecc13a8d7735) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Network Share Discovery - T1135 (3489cfc5-640f-4bb3-a103-9137b97de79f) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Local Groups - T1069.001 (a01bf75f-00b2-4568-a58f-565ff9bf202b) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Local Account - T1136.001 (635cbe30-392d-4e27-978e-66774357c762) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Additional Local or Domain Groups - T1098.007 (3e6831b2-bf4c-4ae6-b328-2e7c6633b291) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool System Time Discovery - T1124 (f3c544dc-673c-4ef3-accb-53229f1ae077) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Local Account - T1087.001 (25659dd6-ea12-45c4-97e6-381e3e4b593e) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool System Service Discovery - T1007 (322bad5a-1c49-4d23-ab79-76d641794afa) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Domain Groups - T1069.002 (2aed01ad-3df3-4410-a8cb-11ea4ded587c) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Network Share Connection Removal - T1070.005 (a750a9f6-0bde-4bb3-9aae-1e2786e9780c) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Service Execution - T1569.002 (f1951e8a-500e-4a26-8803-76d95c4554b4) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Domain Account - T1087.002 (21875073-b0ee-49e3-9077-1e2a885359af) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Domain Account - T1136.002 (7610cada-1499-41a4-b3dd-46467b68d177) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool System Network Connections Discovery - T1049 (7e150503-88e7-4861-866b-ff1ac82c4475) Attack Pattern 2
Remote Services - T1021 (54a649ff-439a-41a4-9856-8d144a2551ba) Attack Pattern SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern 2
Valid Accounts - T1078 (b17a1a56-e99c-403c-8948-561df0cffe81) Attack Pattern Domain Accounts - T1078.002 (c3d4bdd9-2cfe-4a80-9d0c-07a29ecdce8f) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 2
Create or Modify System Process - T1543 (106c0cf6-bf73-4601-9aa8-0945c2715ec5) Attack Pattern Windows Service - T1543.003 (2959d63f-73fd-46a1-abd2-109d7dcede32) Attack Pattern 3
System Services - T1569 (d157f9d2-d09a-4efa-bb2a-64963f94e253) Attack Pattern Service Execution - T1569.002 (f1951e8a-500e-4a26-8803-76d95c4554b4) Attack Pattern 3
Domain Account - T1136.002 (7610cada-1499-41a4-b3dd-46467b68d177) Attack Pattern Create Account - T1136 (e01be9c5-e763-4caf-aeb7-000b416aef67) Attack Pattern 3
Permission Groups Discovery - T1069 (15dbf668-795c-41e6-8219-f0447c0e64ce) Attack Pattern Local Groups - T1069.001 (a01bf75f-00b2-4568-a58f-565ff9bf202b) Attack Pattern 3
Local Account - T1136.001 (635cbe30-392d-4e27-978e-66774357c762) Attack Pattern Create Account - T1136 (e01be9c5-e763-4caf-aeb7-000b416aef67) Attack Pattern 3
Additional Local or Domain Groups - T1098.007 (3e6831b2-bf4c-4ae6-b328-2e7c6633b291) Attack Pattern Account Manipulation - T1098 (a10641f4-87b4-45a3-a906-92a149cb2c27) Attack Pattern 3
Local Account - T1087.001 (25659dd6-ea12-45c4-97e6-381e3e4b593e) Attack Pattern Account Discovery - T1087 (72b74d71-8169-42aa-92e0-e7b04b9f5a08) Attack Pattern 3
Permission Groups Discovery - T1069 (15dbf668-795c-41e6-8219-f0447c0e64ce) Attack Pattern Domain Groups - T1069.002 (2aed01ad-3df3-4410-a8cb-11ea4ded587c) Attack Pattern 3
Network Share Connection Removal - T1070.005 (a750a9f6-0bde-4bb3-9aae-1e2786e9780c) Attack Pattern Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern 3
Domain Account - T1087.002 (21875073-b0ee-49e3-9077-1e2a885359af) Attack Pattern Account Discovery - T1087 (72b74d71-8169-42aa-92e0-e7b04b9f5a08) Attack Pattern 3