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APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9)

APT5 is a China-based espionage actor that has been active since at least 2007 primarily targeting the telecommunications, aerospace, and defense industries throughout the U.S., Europe, and Asia. APT5 has displayed advanced tradecraft and significant interest in compromising networking devices and their underlying software including through the use of zero-day exploits.(Citation: NSA APT5 Citrix Threat Hunting December 2022)(Citation: Microsoft East Asia Threats September 2023)(Citation: Mandiant Pulse Secure Zero-Day April 2021)(Citation: Mandiant Pulse Secure Update May 2021)(Citation: FireEye Southeast Asia Threat Landscape March 2015)(Citation: Mandiant Advanced Persistent Threats)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Match Legitimate Name or Location - T1036.005 (1c4e5d32-1fe9-4116-9d9d-59e3925bd6a2) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Local Account - T1136.001 (635cbe30-392d-4e27-978e-66774357c762) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Additional Local or Domain Groups - T1098.007 (3e6831b2-bf4c-4ae6-b328-2e7c6633b291) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set RAPIDPULSE - S1113 (880f7b3e-ad27-4158-8b03-d44c9357950b) Malware 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Security Account Manager - T1003.002 (1644e709-12d2-41e5-a60f-3470991f5011) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Clear Command History - T1070.003 (3aef9463-9a7a-43ba-8957-a867e07c1e6a) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Timestomp - T1070.006 (47f2d673-ca62-47e9-929b-1b0be9657611) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set SSH - T1021.004 (2db31dcd-54da-405d-acef-b9129b816ed6) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Compromise Host Software Binary - T1554 (960c3c86-1480-4d72-b4e0-8c242e84a5c5) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set PULSECHECK - S1108 (9a097d18-d15f-4635-a4f1-189df7efdc40) Malware 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Remote Desktop Protocol - T1021.001 (eb062747-2193-45de-8fa2-e62549c37ddf) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set PACEMAKER - S1109 (647215dd-29a6-4528-b354-ca8b5e08fca1) Malware 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set netstat - S0104 (4664b683-f578-434f-919b-1c1aad2a1111) mitre-tool 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set PowerShell - T1059.001 (970a3432-3237-47ad-bcca-7d8cbb217736) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Process Injection - T1055 (43e7dc91-05b2-474c-b9ac-2ed4fe101f4d) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Domain Accounts - T1078.002 (c3d4bdd9-2cfe-4a80-9d0c-07a29ecdce8f) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set LSASS Memory - T1003.001 (65f2d882-3f41-4d48-8a06-29af77ec9f90) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Cron - T1053.003 (2acf44aa-542f-4366-b4eb-55ef5747759c) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Process Discovery - T1057 (8f4a33ec-8b1f-4b80-a2f6-642b2e479580) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set File and Directory Discovery - T1083 (7bc57495-ea59-4380-be31-a64af124ef18) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Local Data Staging - T1074.001 (1c34f7aa-9341-4a48-bfab-af22e51aca6c) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Web Shell - T1505.003 (5d0d3609-d06d-49e1-b9c9-b544e0c618cb) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Archive via Utility - T1560.001 (00f90846-cbd1-4fc5-9233-df5c2bf2a662) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set File Deletion - T1070.004 (d63a3fb8-9452-4e9d-a60a-54be68d5998c) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Indicator Blocking - T1562.006 (74d2a63f-3c7b-4852-92da-02d8fbab16da) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Log Enumeration - T1654 (866d0d6d-02c6-42bd-aa2f-02907fdc0969) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Tasklist - S0057 (2e45723a-31da-4a7e-aaa6-e01998a6788f) mitre-tool 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set System Network Connections Discovery - T1049 (7e150503-88e7-4861-866b-ff1ac82c4475) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set SLOWPULSE - S1104 (f8fc98ac-ad6d-44db-b6e2-f0c6eb4eace4) Malware 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Cloud Accounts - T1078.004 (f232fa7a-025c-4d43-abc7-318e81a73d65) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190 (3f886f2a-874f-4333-b794-aa6075009b1c) Attack Pattern 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Skeleton Key - S0007 (89f63ae4-f229-4a5c-95ad-6f22ed2b5c49) Malware 1
APT5 - G1023 (c1aab4c9-4c34-4f4f-8541-d529e46a07f9) Intrusion Set Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 1
Match Legitimate Name or Location - T1036.005 (1c4e5d32-1fe9-4116-9d9d-59e3925bd6a2) Attack Pattern Masquerading - T1036 (42e8de7b-37b2-4258-905a-6897815e58e0) Attack Pattern 2
Local Account - T1136.001 (635cbe30-392d-4e27-978e-66774357c762) Attack Pattern Create Account - T1136 (e01be9c5-e763-4caf-aeb7-000b416aef67) Attack Pattern 2
Additional Local or Domain Groups - T1098.007 (3e6831b2-bf4c-4ae6-b328-2e7c6633b291) Attack Pattern Account Manipulation - T1098 (a10641f4-87b4-45a3-a906-92a149cb2c27) Attack Pattern 2
Pass the Hash - T1550.002 (e624264c-033a-424d-9fd7-fc9c3bbdb03e) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Credentials from Web Browsers - T1555.003 (58a3e6aa-4453-4cc8-a51f-4befe80b31a8) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Credentials from Password Stores - T1555 (3fc9b85a-2862-4363-a64d-d692e3ffbee0) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool Mimikatz (7f3a035d-d83a-45b8-8111-412aa8ade802) Tool 2
LSA Secrets - T1003.004 (1ecfdab8-7d59-4c98-95d4-dc41970f57fc) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
SID-History Injection - T1134.005 (b7dc639b-24cd-482d-a7f1-8897eda21023) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Private Keys - T1552.004 (60b508a1-6a5e-46b1-821a-9f7b78752abf) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Silver Ticket - T1558.002 (d273434a-448e-4598-8e14-607f4a0d5e27) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool Account Manipulation - T1098 (a10641f4-87b4-45a3-a906-92a149cb2c27) Attack Pattern 2
Steal or Forge Authentication Certificates - T1649 (7de1f7ac-5d0c-4c9c-8873-627202205331) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Security Account Manager - T1003.002 (1644e709-12d2-41e5-a60f-3470991f5011) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Windows Credential Manager - T1555.004 (d336b553-5da9-46ca-98a8-0b23f49fb447) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool Pass the Ticket - T1550.003 (7b211ac6-c815-4189-93a9-ab415deca926) Attack Pattern 2
Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool LSASS Memory - T1003.001 (65f2d882-3f41-4d48-8a06-29af77ec9f90) Attack Pattern 2
Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool Golden Ticket - T1558.001 (768dce68-8d0d-477a-b01d-0eea98b963a1) Attack Pattern 2
DCSync - T1003.006 (f303a39a-6255-4b89-aecc-18c4d8ca7163) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Security Support Provider - T1547.005 (5095a853-299c-4876-abd7-ac0050fb5462) Attack Pattern Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool 2
Mimikatz - S0002 (afc079f3-c0ea-4096-b75d-3f05338b7f60) mitre-tool Rogue Domain Controller - T1207 (564998d8-ab3e-4123-93fb-eccaa6b9714a) Attack Pattern 2
Data from Local System - T1005 (3c4a2599-71ee-4405-ba1e-0e28414b4bc5) Attack Pattern RAPIDPULSE - S1113 (880f7b3e-ad27-4158-8b03-d44c9357950b) Malware 2
Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern RAPIDPULSE - S1113 (880f7b3e-ad27-4158-8b03-d44c9357950b) Malware 2
Web Shell - T1505.003 (5d0d3609-d06d-49e1-b9c9-b544e0c618cb) Attack Pattern RAPIDPULSE - S1113 (880f7b3e-ad27-4158-8b03-d44c9357950b) Malware 2
Encrypted/Encoded File - T1027.013 (0d91b3c0-5e50-47c3-949a-2a796f04d144) Attack Pattern RAPIDPULSE - S1113 (880f7b3e-ad27-4158-8b03-d44c9357950b) Malware 2
Security Account Manager - T1003.002 (1644e709-12d2-41e5-a60f-3470991f5011) Attack Pattern OS Credential Dumping - T1003 (0a3ead4e-6d47-4ccb-854c-a6a4f9d96b22) Attack Pattern 2
Poison Ivy (2abe89de-46dd-4dae-ae22-b49a593aff54) Tool PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Data from Local System - T1005 (3c4a2599-71ee-4405-ba1e-0e28414b4bc5) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Poison Ivy (7789fc1b-3cbc-4a1c-8ef0-8b06760f93e7) Malpedia PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Mutual Exclusion - T1480.002 (49fca0d2-685d-41eb-8bd4-05451cc3a742) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
poisonivy (e336aeba-b61a-44e0-a0df-cd52a5839db5) Tool PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Application Window Discovery - T1010 (4ae4f953-fe58-4cc8-a327-33257e30a830) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Local Data Staging - T1074.001 (1c34f7aa-9341-4a48-bfab-af22e51aca6c) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Modify Registry - T1112 (57340c81-c025-4189-8fa0-fc7ede51bae4) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Symmetric Cryptography - T1573.001 (24bfaeba-cb0d-4525-b3dc-507c77ecec41) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Windows Service - T1543.003 (2959d63f-73fd-46a1-abd2-109d7dcede32) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Dynamic-link Library Injection - T1055.001 (f4599aa0-4f85-4a32-80ea-fc39dc965945) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Active Setup - T1547.014 (22522668-ddf6-470b-a027-9d6866679f67) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 2
PoisonIvy (4e104fef-8a2c-4679-b497-6e86d7d47db0) RAT PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Rootkit - T1014 (0f20e3cb-245b-4a61-8a91-2d93f7cb0e9b) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern PoisonIvy - S0012 (b42378e0-f147-496f-992a-26a49705395b) Malware 2
Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern Clear Command History - T1070.003 (3aef9463-9a7a-43ba-8957-a867e07c1e6a) Attack Pattern 2
Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern Timestomp - T1070.006 (47f2d673-ca62-47e9-929b-1b0be9657611) Attack Pattern 2
Remote Services - T1021 (54a649ff-439a-41a4-9856-8d144a2551ba) Attack Pattern SSH - T1021.004 (2db31dcd-54da-405d-acef-b9129b816ed6) Attack Pattern 2
Web Shell - T1505.003 (5d0d3609-d06d-49e1-b9c9-b544e0c618cb) Attack Pattern PULSECHECK - S1108 (9a097d18-d15f-4635-a4f1-189df7efdc40) Malware 2
Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern PULSECHECK - S1108 (9a097d18-d15f-4635-a4f1-189df7efdc40) Malware 2
Unix Shell - T1059.004 (a9d4b653-6915-42af-98b2-5758c4ceee56) Attack Pattern PULSECHECK - S1108 (9a097d18-d15f-4635-a4f1-189df7efdc40) Malware 2
PULSECHECK - S1108 (9a097d18-d15f-4635-a4f1-189df7efdc40) Malware Standard Encoding - T1132.001 (04fd5427-79c7-44ea-ae13-11b24778ff1c) Attack Pattern 2
Remote Services - T1021 (54a649ff-439a-41a4-9856-8d144a2551ba) Attack Pattern Remote Desktop Protocol - T1021.001 (eb062747-2193-45de-8fa2-e62549c37ddf) Attack Pattern 2
Unix Shell - T1059.004 (a9d4b653-6915-42af-98b2-5758c4ceee56) Attack Pattern PACEMAKER - S1109 (647215dd-29a6-4528-b354-ca8b5e08fca1) Malware 2
PACEMAKER - S1109 (647215dd-29a6-4528-b354-ca8b5e08fca1) Malware File and Directory Discovery - T1083 (7bc57495-ea59-4380-be31-a64af124ef18) Attack Pattern 2
PACEMAKER - S1109 (647215dd-29a6-4528-b354-ca8b5e08fca1) Malware Local Data Staging - T1074.001 (1c34f7aa-9341-4a48-bfab-af22e51aca6c) Attack Pattern 2
Ptrace System Calls - T1055.008 (ea016b56-ae0e-47fe-967a-cc0ad51af67f) Attack Pattern PACEMAKER - S1109 (647215dd-29a6-4528-b354-ca8b5e08fca1) Malware 2
PACEMAKER - S1109 (647215dd-29a6-4528-b354-ca8b5e08fca1) Malware Proc Filesystem - T1003.007 (3120b9fa-23b8-4500-ae73-09494f607b7d) Attack Pattern 2
Automated Collection - T1119 (30208d3e-0d6b-43c8-883e-44462a514619) Attack Pattern PACEMAKER - S1109 (647215dd-29a6-4528-b354-ca8b5e08fca1) Malware 2
SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern 2
SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 2
SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware Local Data Staging - T1074.001 (1c34f7aa-9341-4a48-bfab-af22e51aca6c) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware 2
SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware Web Shell - T1505.003 (5d0d3609-d06d-49e1-b9c9-b544e0c618cb) Attack Pattern 2
SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 2
SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware Data from Local System - T1005 (3c4a2599-71ee-4405-ba1e-0e28414b4bc5) Attack Pattern 2
Symmetric Cryptography - T1573.001 (24bfaeba-cb0d-4525-b3dc-507c77ecec41) Attack Pattern SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware 2
SLIGHTPULSE - S1110 (d1008b78-960c-4b36-bdc4-39a734e1e4e3) Malware Standard Encoding - T1132.001 (04fd5427-79c7-44ea-ae13-11b24778ff1c) Attack Pattern 2
netstat - S0104 (4664b683-f578-434f-919b-1c1aad2a1111) mitre-tool System Network Connections Discovery - T1049 (7e150503-88e7-4861-866b-ff1ac82c4475) Attack Pattern 2
Input Capture - T1056 (bb5a00de-e086-4859-a231-fa793f6797e2) Attack Pattern Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Video Capture - T1125 (6faf650d-bf31-4eb4-802d-1000cf38efaf) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Match Legitimate Name or Location - T1036.005 (1c4e5d32-1fe9-4116-9d9d-59e3925bd6a2) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Data from Local System - T1005 (3c4a2599-71ee-4405-ba1e-0e28414b4bc5) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Exfiltration Over C2 Channel - T1041 (92d7da27-2d91-488e-a00c-059dc162766d) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016 (707399d6-ab3e-4963-9315-d9d3818cd6a0) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Encrypted/Encoded File - T1027.013 (0d91b3c0-5e50-47c3-949a-2a796f04d144) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Query Registry - T1012 (c32f7008-9fea-41f7-8366-5eb9b74bd896) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Process Injection - T1055 (43e7dc91-05b2-474c-b9ac-2ed4fe101f4d) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Process Discovery - T1057 (8f4a33ec-8b1f-4b80-a2f6-642b2e479580) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Invalid Code Signature - T1036.001 (b4b7458f-81f2-4d38-84be-1c5ba0167a52) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool File Deletion - T1070.004 (d63a3fb8-9452-4e9d-a60a-54be68d5998c) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Modify Registry - T1112 (57340c81-c025-4189-8fa0-fc7ede51bae4) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Rundll32 - T1218.011 (045d0922-2310-4e60-b5e4-3302302cb3c5) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Native API - T1106 (391d824f-0ef1-47a0-b0ee-c59a75e27670) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Screen Capture - T1113 (0259baeb-9f63-4c69-bf10-eb038c390688) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 2
PcShare - S1050 (3a53b207-aba2-4a2b-9cdb-273d633669e7) mitre-tool Component Object Model Hijacking - T1546.015 (bc0f5e80-91c0-4e04-9fbb-e4e332c85dae) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern PowerShell - T1059.001 (970a3432-3237-47ad-bcca-7d8cbb217736) Attack Pattern 2
Valid Accounts - T1078 (b17a1a56-e99c-403c-8948-561df0cffe81) Attack Pattern Domain Accounts - T1078.002 (c3d4bdd9-2cfe-4a80-9d0c-07a29ecdce8f) Attack Pattern 2
LSASS Memory - T1003.001 (65f2d882-3f41-4d48-8a06-29af77ec9f90) Attack Pattern OS Credential Dumping - T1003 (0a3ead4e-6d47-4ccb-854c-a6a4f9d96b22) Attack Pattern 2
Cron - T1053.003 (2acf44aa-542f-4366-b4eb-55ef5747759c) Attack Pattern Scheduled Task/Job - T1053 (35dd844a-b219-4e2b-a6bb-efa9a75995a9) Attack Pattern 2
Data Staged - T1074 (7dd95ff6-712e-4056-9626-312ea4ab4c5e) Attack Pattern Local Data Staging - T1074.001 (1c34f7aa-9341-4a48-bfab-af22e51aca6c) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Password Policy Discovery - T1201 (b6075259-dba3-44e9-87c7-e954f37ec0d5) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Remote System Discovery - T1018 (e358d692-23c0-4a31-9eb6-ecc13a8d7735) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Network Share Discovery - T1135 (3489cfc5-640f-4bb3-a103-9137b97de79f) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Local Groups - T1069.001 (a01bf75f-00b2-4568-a58f-565ff9bf202b) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Local Account - T1136.001 (635cbe30-392d-4e27-978e-66774357c762) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Additional Local or Domain Groups - T1098.007 (3e6831b2-bf4c-4ae6-b328-2e7c6633b291) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool System Time Discovery - T1124 (f3c544dc-673c-4ef3-accb-53229f1ae077) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Local Account - T1087.001 (25659dd6-ea12-45c4-97e6-381e3e4b593e) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool System Service Discovery - T1007 (322bad5a-1c49-4d23-ab79-76d641794afa) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Domain Groups - T1069.002 (2aed01ad-3df3-4410-a8cb-11ea4ded587c) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Network Share Connection Removal - T1070.005 (a750a9f6-0bde-4bb3-9aae-1e2786e9780c) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Service Execution - T1569.002 (f1951e8a-500e-4a26-8803-76d95c4554b4) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Domain Account - T1087.002 (21875073-b0ee-49e3-9077-1e2a885359af) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool Domain Account - T1136.002 (7610cada-1499-41a4-b3dd-46467b68d177) Attack Pattern 2
Net - S0039 (03342581-f790-4f03-ba41-e82e67392e23) mitre-tool System Network Connections Discovery - T1049 (7e150503-88e7-4861-866b-ff1ac82c4475) Attack Pattern 2
Server Software Component - T1505 (d456de47-a16f-4e46-8980-e67478a12dcb) Attack Pattern Web Shell - T1505.003 (5d0d3609-d06d-49e1-b9c9-b544e0c618cb) Attack Pattern 2
Archive Collected Data - T1560 (53ac20cd-aca3-406e-9aa0-9fc7fdc60a5a) Attack Pattern Archive via Utility - T1560.001 (00f90846-cbd1-4fc5-9233-df5c2bf2a662) Attack Pattern 2
Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern File Deletion - T1070.004 (d63a3fb8-9452-4e9d-a60a-54be68d5998c) Attack Pattern 2
Indicator Blocking - T1562.006 (74d2a63f-3c7b-4852-92da-02d8fbab16da) Attack Pattern Impair Defenses - T1562 (3d333250-30e4-4a82-9edc-756c68afc529) Attack Pattern 2
Process Discovery - T1057 (8f4a33ec-8b1f-4b80-a2f6-642b2e479580) Attack Pattern Tasklist - S0057 (2e45723a-31da-4a7e-aaa6-e01998a6788f) mitre-tool 2
Security Software Discovery - T1518.001 (cba37adb-d6fb-4610-b069-dd04c0643384) Attack Pattern Tasklist - S0057 (2e45723a-31da-4a7e-aaa6-e01998a6788f) mitre-tool 2
System Service Discovery - T1007 (322bad5a-1c49-4d23-ab79-76d641794afa) Attack Pattern Tasklist - S0057 (2e45723a-31da-4a7e-aaa6-e01998a6788f) mitre-tool 2
SLOWPULSE - S1104 (f8fc98ac-ad6d-44db-b6e2-f0c6eb4eace4) Malware Compromise Host Software Binary - T1554 (960c3c86-1480-4d72-b4e0-8c242e84a5c5) Attack Pattern 2
SLOWPULSE - S1104 (f8fc98ac-ad6d-44db-b6e2-f0c6eb4eace4) Malware Local Data Staging - T1074.001 (1c34f7aa-9341-4a48-bfab-af22e51aca6c) Attack Pattern 2
Multi-Factor Authentication Interception - T1111 (dd43c543-bb85-4a6f-aa6e-160d90d06a49) Attack Pattern SLOWPULSE - S1104 (f8fc98ac-ad6d-44db-b6e2-f0c6eb4eace4) Malware 2
Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern SLOWPULSE - S1104 (f8fc98ac-ad6d-44db-b6e2-f0c6eb4eace4) Malware 2
SLOWPULSE - S1104 (f8fc98ac-ad6d-44db-b6e2-f0c6eb4eace4) Malware Network Device Authentication - T1556.004 (fa44a152-ac48-441e-a524-dd7b04b8adcd) Attack Pattern 2
SLOWPULSE - S1104 (f8fc98ac-ad6d-44db-b6e2-f0c6eb4eace4) Malware Multi-Factor Authentication - T1556.006 (b4409cd8-0da9-46e1-a401-a241afd4d1cc) Attack Pattern 2
Valid Accounts - T1078 (b17a1a56-e99c-403c-8948-561df0cffe81) Attack Pattern Cloud Accounts - T1078.004 (f232fa7a-025c-4d43-abc7-318e81a73d65) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Shared Modules - T1129 (0a5231ec-41af-4a35-83d0-6bdf11f28c65) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Fast Flux DNS - T1568.001 (29ba5a15-3b7b-4732-b817-65ea8f6468e6) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware System Information Discovery - T1082 (354a7f88-63fb-41b5-a801-ce3b377b36f1) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware gh0st (1b1ae63f-bcee-4aba-8994-6c60cee5e16f) Tool 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Query Registry - T1012 (c32f7008-9fea-41f7-8366-5eb9b74bd896) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Process Injection - T1055 (43e7dc91-05b2-474c-b9ac-2ed4fe101f4d) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Process Discovery - T1057 (8f4a33ec-8b1f-4b80-a2f6-642b2e479580) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Encrypted Channel - T1573 (b8902400-e6c5-4ba2-95aa-2d35b442b118) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware File Deletion - T1070.004 (d63a3fb8-9452-4e9d-a60a-54be68d5998c) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Modify Registry - T1112 (57340c81-c025-4189-8fa0-fc7ede51bae4) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Rundll32 - T1218.011 (045d0922-2310-4e60-b5e4-3302302cb3c5) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Native API - T1106 (391d824f-0ef1-47a0-b0ee-c59a75e27670) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Screen Capture - T1113 (0259baeb-9f63-4c69-bf10-eb038c390688) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Symmetric Cryptography - T1573.001 (24bfaeba-cb0d-4525-b3dc-507c77ecec41) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Service Execution - T1569.002 (f1951e8a-500e-4a26-8803-76d95c4554b4) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Windows Service - T1543.003 (2959d63f-73fd-46a1-abd2-109d7dcede32) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Non-Application Layer Protocol - T1095 (c21d5a77-d422-4a69-acd7-2c53c1faa34b) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware DLL Side-Loading - T1574.002 (e64c62cf-9cd7-4a14-94ec-cdaac43ab44b) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001 (6495ae23-3ab4-43c5-a94f-5638a2c31fd2) Attack Pattern 2
gh0st RAT - S0032 (88c621a7-aef9-4ae0-94e3-1fc87123eb24) Malware Standard Encoding - T1132.001 (04fd5427-79c7-44ea-ae13-11b24778ff1c) Attack Pattern 2
Domain Controller Authentication - T1556.001 (d4b96d2c-1032-4b22-9235-2b5b649d0605) Attack Pattern Skeleton Key - S0007 (89f63ae4-f229-4a5c-95ad-6f22ed2b5c49) Malware 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 2
Pass the Hash - T1550.002 (e624264c-033a-424d-9fd7-fc9c3bbdb03e) Attack Pattern Use Alternate Authentication Material - T1550 (51a14c76-dd3b-440b-9c20-2bf91d25a814) Attack Pattern 3
Credentials from Web Browsers - T1555.003 (58a3e6aa-4453-4cc8-a51f-4befe80b31a8) Attack Pattern Credentials from Password Stores - T1555 (3fc9b85a-2862-4363-a64d-d692e3ffbee0) Attack Pattern 3
MimiKatz (588fb91d-59c6-4667-b299-94676d48b17b) Malpedia Mimikatz (7f3a035d-d83a-45b8-8111-412aa8ade802) Tool 3
LSA Secrets - T1003.004 (1ecfdab8-7d59-4c98-95d4-dc41970f57fc) Attack Pattern OS Credential Dumping - T1003 (0a3ead4e-6d47-4ccb-854c-a6a4f9d96b22) Attack Pattern 3
SID-History Injection - T1134.005 (b7dc639b-24cd-482d-a7f1-8897eda21023) Attack Pattern Access Token Manipulation - T1134 (dcaa092b-7de9-4a21-977f-7fcb77e89c48) Attack Pattern 3
Unsecured Credentials - T1552 (435dfb86-2697-4867-85b5-2fef496c0517) Attack Pattern Private Keys - T1552.004 (60b508a1-6a5e-46b1-821a-9f7b78752abf) Attack Pattern 3
Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets - T1558 (3fc01293-ef5e-41c6-86ce-61f10706b64a) Attack Pattern Silver Ticket - T1558.002 (d273434a-448e-4598-8e14-607f4a0d5e27) Attack Pattern 3
Windows Credential Manager - T1555.004 (d336b553-5da9-46ca-98a8-0b23f49fb447) Attack Pattern Credentials from Password Stores - T1555 (3fc9b85a-2862-4363-a64d-d692e3ffbee0) Attack Pattern 3
Use Alternate Authentication Material - T1550 (51a14c76-dd3b-440b-9c20-2bf91d25a814) Attack Pattern Pass the Ticket - T1550.003 (7b211ac6-c815-4189-93a9-ab415deca926) Attack Pattern 3
Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets - T1558 (3fc01293-ef5e-41c6-86ce-61f10706b64a) Attack Pattern Golden Ticket - T1558.001 (768dce68-8d0d-477a-b01d-0eea98b963a1) Attack Pattern 3
DCSync - T1003.006 (f303a39a-6255-4b89-aecc-18c4d8ca7163) Attack Pattern OS Credential Dumping - T1003 (0a3ead4e-6d47-4ccb-854c-a6a4f9d96b22) Attack Pattern 3
Security Support Provider - T1547.005 (5095a853-299c-4876-abd7-ac0050fb5462) Attack Pattern Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547 (1ecb2399-e8ba-4f6b-8ba7-5c27d49405cf) Attack Pattern 3
Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern Encrypted/Encoded File - T1027.013 (0d91b3c0-5e50-47c3-949a-2a796f04d144) Attack Pattern 3
poisonivy (e336aeba-b61a-44e0-a0df-cd52a5839db5) Tool Poison Ivy (2abe89de-46dd-4dae-ae22-b49a593aff54) Tool 3
Poison Ivy (2abe89de-46dd-4dae-ae22-b49a593aff54) Tool PoisonIvy (4e104fef-8a2c-4679-b497-6e86d7d47db0) RAT 3
APT14 (c82c904f-b3b4-40a2-bf0d-008912953104) Threat Actor Poison Ivy (2abe89de-46dd-4dae-ae22-b49a593aff54) Tool 3
Poison Ivy (2abe89de-46dd-4dae-ae22-b49a593aff54) Tool Poison Ivy (7789fc1b-3cbc-4a1c-8ef0-8b06760f93e7) Malpedia 3
Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547 (1ecb2399-e8ba-4f6b-8ba7-5c27d49405cf) Attack Pattern 3
Execution Guardrails - T1480 (853c4192-4311-43e1-bfbb-b11b14911852) Attack Pattern Mutual Exclusion - T1480.002 (49fca0d2-685d-41eb-8bd4-05451cc3a742) Attack Pattern 3
poisonivy (e336aeba-b61a-44e0-a0df-cd52a5839db5) Tool PoisonIvy (4e104fef-8a2c-4679-b497-6e86d7d47db0) RAT 3
poisonivy (e336aeba-b61a-44e0-a0df-cd52a5839db5) Tool Poison Ivy (7789fc1b-3cbc-4a1c-8ef0-8b06760f93e7) Malpedia 3
Symmetric Cryptography - T1573.001 (24bfaeba-cb0d-4525-b3dc-507c77ecec41) Attack Pattern Encrypted Channel - T1573 (b8902400-e6c5-4ba2-95aa-2d35b442b118) Attack Pattern 3
Create or Modify System Process - T1543 (106c0cf6-bf73-4601-9aa8-0945c2715ec5) Attack Pattern Windows Service - T1543.003 (2959d63f-73fd-46a1-abd2-109d7dcede32) Attack Pattern 3
Dynamic-link Library Injection - T1055.001 (f4599aa0-4f85-4a32-80ea-fc39dc965945) Attack Pattern Process Injection - T1055 (43e7dc91-05b2-474c-b9ac-2ed4fe101f4d) Attack Pattern 3
Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547 (1ecb2399-e8ba-4f6b-8ba7-5c27d49405cf) Attack Pattern Active Setup - T1547.014 (22522668-ddf6-470b-a027-9d6866679f67) Attack Pattern 3
APT14 (c82c904f-b3b4-40a2-bf0d-008912953104) Threat Actor PoisonIvy (4e104fef-8a2c-4679-b497-6e86d7d47db0) RAT 3
PoisonIvy (4e104fef-8a2c-4679-b497-6e86d7d47db0) RAT Poison Ivy (7789fc1b-3cbc-4a1c-8ef0-8b06760f93e7) Malpedia 3
Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern 3
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Unix Shell - T1059.004 (a9d4b653-6915-42af-98b2-5758c4ceee56) Attack Pattern 3
Data Encoding - T1132 (cc7b8c4e-9be0-47ca-b0bb-83915ec3ee2f) Attack Pattern Standard Encoding - T1132.001 (04fd5427-79c7-44ea-ae13-11b24778ff1c) Attack Pattern 3
Ptrace System Calls - T1055.008 (ea016b56-ae0e-47fe-967a-cc0ad51af67f) Attack Pattern Process Injection - T1055 (43e7dc91-05b2-474c-b9ac-2ed4fe101f4d) Attack Pattern 3
Proc Filesystem - T1003.007 (3120b9fa-23b8-4500-ae73-09494f607b7d) Attack Pattern OS Credential Dumping - T1003 (0a3ead4e-6d47-4ccb-854c-a6a4f9d96b22) Attack Pattern 3
Invalid Code Signature - T1036.001 (b4b7458f-81f2-4d38-84be-1c5ba0167a52) Attack Pattern Masquerading - T1036 (42e8de7b-37b2-4258-905a-6897815e58e0) Attack Pattern 3
System Binary Proxy Execution - T1218 (457c7820-d331-465a-915e-42f85500ccc4) Attack Pattern Rundll32 - T1218.011 (045d0922-2310-4e60-b5e4-3302302cb3c5) Attack Pattern 3
Event Triggered Execution - T1546 (b6301b64-ef57-4cce-bb0b-77026f14a8db) Attack Pattern Component Object Model Hijacking - T1546.015 (bc0f5e80-91c0-4e04-9fbb-e4e332c85dae) Attack Pattern 3
Permission Groups Discovery - T1069 (15dbf668-795c-41e6-8219-f0447c0e64ce) Attack Pattern Local Groups - T1069.001 (a01bf75f-00b2-4568-a58f-565ff9bf202b) Attack Pattern 3
Remote Services - T1021 (54a649ff-439a-41a4-9856-8d144a2551ba) Attack Pattern SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern 3
Local Account - T1087.001 (25659dd6-ea12-45c4-97e6-381e3e4b593e) Attack Pattern Account Discovery - T1087 (72b74d71-8169-42aa-92e0-e7b04b9f5a08) Attack Pattern 3
Permission Groups Discovery - T1069 (15dbf668-795c-41e6-8219-f0447c0e64ce) Attack Pattern Domain Groups - T1069.002 (2aed01ad-3df3-4410-a8cb-11ea4ded587c) Attack Pattern 3
Network Share Connection Removal - T1070.005 (a750a9f6-0bde-4bb3-9aae-1e2786e9780c) Attack Pattern Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern 3
System Services - T1569 (d157f9d2-d09a-4efa-bb2a-64963f94e253) Attack Pattern Service Execution - T1569.002 (f1951e8a-500e-4a26-8803-76d95c4554b4) Attack Pattern 3
Domain Account - T1087.002 (21875073-b0ee-49e3-9077-1e2a885359af) Attack Pattern Account Discovery - T1087 (72b74d71-8169-42aa-92e0-e7b04b9f5a08) Attack Pattern 3
Domain Account - T1136.002 (7610cada-1499-41a4-b3dd-46467b68d177) Attack Pattern Create Account - T1136 (e01be9c5-e763-4caf-aeb7-000b416aef67) Attack Pattern 3
Security Software Discovery - T1518.001 (cba37adb-d6fb-4610-b069-dd04c0643384) Attack Pattern Software Discovery - T1518 (e3b6daca-e963-4a69-aee6-ed4fd653ad58) Attack Pattern 3
Network Device Authentication - T1556.004 (fa44a152-ac48-441e-a524-dd7b04b8adcd) Attack Pattern Modify Authentication Process - T1556 (f4c1826f-a322-41cd-9557-562100848c84) Attack Pattern 3
Multi-Factor Authentication - T1556.006 (b4409cd8-0da9-46e1-a401-a241afd4d1cc) Attack Pattern Modify Authentication Process - T1556 (f4c1826f-a322-41cd-9557-562100848c84) Attack Pattern 3
Dynamic Resolution - T1568 (7bd9c723-2f78-4309-82c5-47cad406572b) Attack Pattern Fast Flux DNS - T1568.001 (29ba5a15-3b7b-4732-b817-65ea8f6468e6) Attack Pattern 3
Hijack Execution Flow - T1574 (aedfca76-3b30-4866-b2aa-0f1d7fd1e4b6) Attack Pattern DLL Side-Loading - T1574.002 (e64c62cf-9cd7-4a14-94ec-cdaac43ab44b) Attack Pattern 3
Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001 (6495ae23-3ab4-43c5-a94f-5638a2c31fd2) Attack Pattern 3
Domain Controller Authentication - T1556.001 (d4b96d2c-1032-4b22-9235-2b5b649d0605) Attack Pattern Modify Authentication Process - T1556 (f4c1826f-a322-41cd-9557-562100848c84) Attack Pattern 3
Torn RAT (32a67552-3b31-47bb-8098-078099bbc813) Tool APT14 (c82c904f-b3b4-40a2-bf0d-008912953104) Threat Actor 4
Gh0st Rat (cb8c8253-4024-4cc9-8989-b4a5f95f6c2f) Tool APT14 (c82c904f-b3b4-40a2-bf0d-008912953104) Threat Actor 4
APT14 (c82c904f-b3b4-40a2-bf0d-008912953104) Threat Actor Gh0st RAT (255a59a7-db2d-44fc-9ca9-5859b65817c3) RAT 4
Gh0st Rat (cb8c8253-4024-4cc9-8989-b4a5f95f6c2f) Tool APT43 (aac49b4e-74e9-49fa-84f9-e340cf8bafbc) Threat Actor 5
Ghost RAT (225fa6cf-dc9c-4b86-873b-cdf1d9dd3738) Malpedia Gh0st RAT (255a59a7-db2d-44fc-9ca9-5859b65817c3) RAT 5