Hide Navigation Hide TOC Service Binary Verification (2a9aa494-f476-59c5-8bc1-520f19a731f3) Analyzing changes in service binary files by comparing to a source of truth. Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level Executable Installer File Permissions Weakness - T1574.005 (70d81154-b187-45f9-8ec5-295d01255979) Attack Pattern Service Binary Verification (2a9aa494-f476-59c5-8bc1-520f19a731f3) MITRE D3FEND 1 Run Virtual Instance - T1564.006 (b5327dd1-6bf9-4785-a199-25bcbd1f4a9d) Attack Pattern Service Binary Verification (2a9aa494-f476-59c5-8bc1-520f19a731f3) MITRE D3FEND 1 Web Portal Capture - T1056.003 (69e5226d-05dc-4f15-95d7-44f5ed78d06e) Attack Pattern Service Binary Verification (2a9aa494-f476-59c5-8bc1-520f19a731f3) MITRE D3FEND 1 Services File Permissions Weakness - T1574.010 (9e8b28c9-35fe-48ac-a14d-e6cc032dcbcd) Attack Pattern Service Binary Verification (2a9aa494-f476-59c5-8bc1-520f19a731f3) MITRE D3FEND 1 Exploitation for Credential Access - T1212 (9c306d8d-cde7-4b4c-b6e8-d0bb16caca36) Attack Pattern Service Binary Verification (2a9aa494-f476-59c5-8bc1-520f19a731f3) MITRE D3FEND 1 Software Deployment Tools - T1072 (92a78814-b191-47ca-909c-1ccfe3777414) Attack Pattern Service Binary Verification (2a9aa494-f476-59c5-8bc1-520f19a731f3) MITRE D3FEND 1 Hijack Execution Flow - T1574 (aedfca76-3b30-4866-b2aa-0f1d7fd1e4b6) Attack Pattern Executable Installer File Permissions Weakness - T1574.005 (70d81154-b187-45f9-8ec5-295d01255979) Attack Pattern 2 Run Virtual Instance - T1564.006 (b5327dd1-6bf9-4785-a199-25bcbd1f4a9d) Attack Pattern Hide Artifacts - T1564 (22905430-4901-4c2a-84f6-98243cb173f8) Attack Pattern 2 Web Portal Capture - T1056.003 (69e5226d-05dc-4f15-95d7-44f5ed78d06e) Attack Pattern Input Capture - T1056 (bb5a00de-e086-4859-a231-fa793f6797e2) Attack Pattern 2 Hijack Execution Flow - T1574 (aedfca76-3b30-4866-b2aa-0f1d7fd1e4b6) Attack Pattern Services File Permissions Weakness - T1574.010 (9e8b28c9-35fe-48ac-a14d-e6cc032dcbcd) Attack Pattern 2