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Interconnection Filtering - M1014 (e829ee51-1caf-4665-ba15-7f8979634124)

In order to mitigate Signaling System 7 (SS7) exploitation, the Communications, Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) describes filtering interconnections between network operators to block inappropriate requests (Citation: CSRIC5-WG10-FinalReport).

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Location Tracking - T1430 (99e6295e-741b-4857-b6e5-64989eb039b4) Attack Pattern Interconnection Filtering - M1014 (e829ee51-1caf-4665-ba15-7f8979634124) Course of Action 1
Impersonate SS7 Nodes - T1430.002 (0f4fb01b-d57a-4375-b7a2-342c9d3248f7) Attack Pattern Interconnection Filtering - M1014 (e829ee51-1caf-4665-ba15-7f8979634124) Course of Action 1
Location Tracking - T1430 (99e6295e-741b-4857-b6e5-64989eb039b4) Attack Pattern Impersonate SS7 Nodes - T1430.002 (0f4fb01b-d57a-4375-b7a2-342c9d3248f7) Attack Pattern 2