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Windows Admin Shares - T1077 (ffe742ed-9100-4686-9e00-c331da544787)

Windows systems have hidden network shares that are accessible only to administrators and provide the ability for remote file copy and other administrative functions. Example network shares include C$, ADMIN$, and IPC$.

Adversaries may use this technique in conjunction with administrator-level Valid Accounts to remotely access a networked system over server message block (SMB) (Citation: Wikipedia SMB) to interact with systems using remote procedure calls (RPCs), (Citation: TechNet RPC) transfer files, and run transferred binaries through remote Execution. Example execution techniques that rely on authenticated sessions over SMB/RPC are Scheduled Task/Job, Service Execution, and Windows Management Instrumentation. Adversaries can also use NTLM hashes to access administrator shares on systems with Pass the Hash and certain configuration and patch levels. (Citation: Microsoft Admin Shares)

The Net utility can be used to connect to Windows admin shares on remote systems using net use commands with valid credentials. (Citation: Technet Net Use)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern Windows Admin Shares - T1077 (ffe742ed-9100-4686-9e00-c331da544787) Attack Pattern 1
Remote Services - T1021 (54a649ff-439a-41a4-9856-8d144a2551ba) Attack Pattern SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern 2