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DNS Calculation - T1568.003 (83a766f8-1501-4b3a-a2de-2e2849e8dfc1)

Adversaries may perform calculations on addresses returned in DNS results to determine which port and IP address to use for command and control, rather than relying on a predetermined port number or the actual returned IP address. A IP and/or port number calculation can be used to bypass egress filtering on a C2 channel.(Citation: Meyers Numbered Panda)

One implementation of DNS Calculation is to take the first three octets of an IP address in a DNS response and use those values to calculate the port for command and control traffic.(Citation: Meyers Numbered Panda)(Citation: Moran 2014)(Citation: Rapid7G20Espionage)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Dynamic Resolution - T1568 (7bd9c723-2f78-4309-82c5-47cad406572b) Attack Pattern DNS Calculation - T1568.003 (83a766f8-1501-4b3a-a2de-2e2849e8dfc1) Attack Pattern 1