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Direct Cloud VM Connections - T1021.008 (45241b9e-9bbc-4826-a2cc-78855e51ca09)

Adversaries may leverage Valid Accounts to log directly into accessible cloud hosted compute infrastructure through cloud native methods. Many cloud providers offer interactive connections to virtual infrastructure that can be accessed through the Cloud API, such as Azure Serial Console(Citation: Azure Serial Console), AWS EC2 Instance Connect(Citation: EC2 Instance Connect)(Citation: lucr-3: Getting SaaS-y in the cloud), and AWS System Manager.(Citation: AWS System Manager).

Methods of authentication for these connections can include passwords, application access tokens, or SSH keys. These cloud native methods may, by default, allow for privileged access on the host with SYSTEM or root level access.

Adversaries may utilize these cloud native methods to directly access virtual infrastructure and pivot through an environment.(Citation: SIM Swapping and Abuse of the Microsoft Azure Serial Console) These connections typically provide direct console access to the VM rather than the execution of scripts (i.e., Cloud Administration Command).

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Remote Services - T1021 (54a649ff-439a-41a4-9856-8d144a2551ba) Attack Pattern Direct Cloud VM Connections - T1021.008 (45241b9e-9bbc-4826-a2cc-78855e51ca09) Attack Pattern 1