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Physical Countermeasures (c2ca6b46-bcdf-45a8-b33d-3272c7a65cde)

Adversaries may acquire or manufacture physical countermeasures to aid or support their attack.

These components may be used to disrupt or degrade the model, such as adversarial patterns printed on stickers or T-shirts, disguises, or decoys. They may also be used to disrupt or degrade the sensors used in capturing data, such as laser pointers, light bulbs, or other tools.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Discover LLM Hallucinations (782c346d-9af5-4145-b6c6-b9cccdc2c950) MITRE ATLAS Attack Pattern Physical Countermeasures (c2ca6b46-bcdf-45a8-b33d-3272c7a65cde) MITRE ATLAS Attack Pattern 1