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Function: Information security incident triage and processing (b906d2a9-6697-5d12-99ee-2b3c74133a98)

Information Security Incident Reports are reviewed and triaged to obtain an initial understanding of the information security incident in question. It is of particular importance whether it has a real information security impact on the target and can result (or has already resulted) in damage to the confidentiality, availability, integrity, and/or authenticity of information assets or other assets. Depending on the amount of detail and quality of the information provided in the initial report, it may or not be obvious whether a real information security incident has occurred or if there is a different reason—such as misconfiguration or hardware failure. The next step will be determined on the basis of the preliminary assessment (e.g., process the report for further analysis; seek additional information from the reporter or other sources; decide that the report needs no further action or is a false alarm). It is possible that attacks may originate from within the constituency of a CSIRT, may target this constituency, or the constituency is affected by collateral effects only. If the CSIRT does not provide Information Security Management services for the identified targets, then the report should be forwarded securely to an external group for handling, such as the affected organization(s) or CSIRT(s). Unless there is a reason to decline an information security incident report or the report has been forwarded to another entity responsible for its handling, the report should be passed on to the Vulnerability Analysis service for further review, analysis, and handling.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Function: Information security incident triage and processing (b906d2a9-6697-5d12-99ee-2b3c74133a98) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Service: Information security incident report acceptance (75b0b609-defa-5302-9354-2e21c1ccfa3e) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1