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Function: Media or surface analysis (7b910715-e5fa-5204-8636-fae5470e7d1e)

This function involves identification and characterization of basic information and metadata about artefacts, including but not limited to file types, string outputs, cryptographic hashes, certificates, file sizes, file/directory names. As all available information is gathered and analyzed further, this may be used to review any public/open or private/closed source information repositories to learn more about the artefact or its behavior, as such information can be used to determine the next steps.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Service: Artifact and forensic evidence analysis (eda3b2d9-4a66-5803-98c7-e87bb8068b97) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Function: Media or surface analysis (7b910715-e5fa-5204-8636-fae5470e7d1e) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1