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Function: Vulnerability root cause analysis (7999a479-b614-5c8f-835c-05f83ccca337)

The goal of this analysis is to identify the root cause of the vulnerability, identifying the circumstances that allow a vulnerability to exist, and in which circumstances an attacker can consequently exploit the vulnerability. This analysis may also attempt to understand the weakness(es) leveraged to instigate an incident and the adversarial tradecraft utilized to leverage that weakness. Depending on the nature of the vulnerability, it may be difficult for a CSIRT to perform this function thoroughly. In some cases, this function may have already been performed by the finder or reporter of the vulnerability. In many situations, this function may best be conducted by the product vendor or developer of the affected software or system or their respective PSIRT. It is also possible that a vulnerability is present in more than one product, in which case multiple analyses may be needed of the affected software or systems, requiring coordination with multiple vendors, PSIRTs, or stakeholders.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Function: Vulnerability root cause analysis (7999a479-b614-5c8f-835c-05f83ccca337) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Service: Vulnerability analysis (e428df3a-7353-5854-b967-fbbb47079ff6) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1