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Function: Asset mapping to functions, roles, actions, and key risks (7094091e-8c9f-539c-a943-78139840bf22)

CSIRT teams need to understand the current cyber security state of a constituency, and have a good understanding of what is acceptable security. They may need to know: Legitimate users of internal and public-facing systems and devices Authorized devices and what they are used for Approved processes and applications, where they are allowed, and how they serve the constituency This information helps establish prioritization of assets that are potentially at risk, which can provide context for incident management activities. The more precise the information available to CSIRT team, the easier it will be to infer security issues and do something about them. Precise information may mean the CSIRT having access to established security policies, current access controls, up-to-date hardware and software inventories, and detailed network diagrams.

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Service: Data acquisition (b06d204e-4c27-55cb-8770-79e2259c8e12) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Function: Asset mapping to functions, roles, actions, and key risks (7094091e-8c9f-539c-a943-78139840bf22) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1