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Function: Vulnerability announcement/communication/dissemination (6e847ac3-774a-5654-b09f-4a6ebcb91e47)

Disclose vulnerability information to defined constituents. The disclosure can be made through any or all of the mechanisms identified in the vulnerability disclosure policy. Dissemination mechanisms can vary depending on the needs or expectations of the target audience. The communication can be in the form of an announcement or security advisory distributed via email or text messaging, a publication posted to a website or social media channel, or other communication forms and channels as appropriate. Content to be included in the disclosure should follow a defined format, which typically can include information such as an overview or description, a unique vulnerability identifier, impact, severity, or CVSS score, resolution (remediation or mitigation), and supporting references or materials.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Service: Vulnerability disclosure (b797cc28-547c-5347-add9-b69a48676e25) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Function: Vulnerability announcement/communication/dissemination (6e847ac3-774a-5654-b09f-4a6ebcb91e47) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1