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Function: Notification distribution (661ad685-bc5e-5522-84a2-a93f22704f24)

A security incident touches on many internal and potentially external entities and, possibly, systems, and networks. As CSIRTs are a central point for receiving reports of potential information security incidents, they also serve as a hub for notifying authorized points of contact about them. The notification usually will provide not only the appropriate technical details but also information about the expected response and a point of contact for any fellow-up.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Service: Information security incident coordination (fdbe09c5-09a1-538a-80bf-f784e68a5a70) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Function: Notification distribution (661ad685-bc5e-5522-84a2-a93f22704f24) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1