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Function: Comparative analysis (38014864-0c08-5bbd-8d28-3bde1727d50d)

This function involves exploring an artefact’s relationship to other artefacts. This may identify similarities in code or modus operandi, targets, intent, and authors. Such similarities can be used to derive the scope of an attack (e.g., is there a larger target, has similar code been used before). Comparative analysis techniques can include exact match comparisons or code similarity comparisons. Comparative analysis provides a broader view of how the artefact or similar versions of it were used and changed over time, helping to understand the evaluation of malware or other malicious types of artefacts.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Function: Comparative analysis (38014864-0c08-5bbd-8d28-3bde1727d50d) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Service: Artifact and forensic evidence analysis (eda3b2d9-4a66-5803-98c7-e87bb8068b97) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1