Function: Information security incident report receipt (3010eca9-c35d-5439-a38e-b8f3734d9b95)
Effective intake of information security incident reports requires mechanisms and processes to receive the reports from constituents, stakeholders, and third parties (e.g., finders, researchers, ISACs, other CSIRTs). Information security incident reports may include affected devices/networks/users/organizations, conditions already identified like exploited vulnerabilities, impact both on technical and business level, and actions that have been taken to start remediation and/or mitigation steps and potentially resolution. Occasionally, information security incident information may be received jointly as part of the input to other services, most namely the Vulnerability Report Intake (e.g., if an information security incident is reported that has been identified while analyzing a vulnerability report). Automatically submitted reports might or might not be acknowledged pending further choices of the implemented interfaces and protocols.