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Function: Technical advice (2ca32179-9eed-5e0b-9567-e8a6040fb863)

This function provides support and recommendations for the improvement of cybersecurity related infrastructures, tools, and services for its constituency, with the goal of improving the security posture and incident management overall. This might include advice on security considerations for acquisition, compliance verification, maintenance, and upgrades internal and external audits of cybersecurity related infrastructures and tools secure software development requirements and secure coding

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Function: Technical advice (2ca32179-9eed-5e0b-9567-e8a6040fb863) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Service: Technical and policy advisory (23e3a936-6f5d-553a-be67-e1938f84bbcf) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1