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Function: Outreach (113ba1d6-e172-5282-8c83-b8c505510ea4)

This function involves building partnerships, promoting cooperation, and engaging key stakeholders, internal or external to the constituency, with the goal of: disseminating awareness and best practices; helping the constituency and external stakeholders understand the services and benefits a CSIRT can provide; helping the CSIRT to better understand constituents’ needs; and enabling the realization of CSIRT’s mission. This may involve ensuring interoperability or fostering collaboration between or across organizations.

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©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Function: Outreach (113ba1d6-e172-5282-8c83-b8c505510ea4) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Service: Awareness building (895987fb-db75-5840-8aac-363ac47f106f) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1