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Flood Information Space (ee7bc41a-9eb0-5732-924a-3885e1c3bee9)

Flooding sources of information (e.g. Social Media feeds) with a high volume of inauthentic content.

This can be done to control/shape online conversations, drown out opposing points of view, or make it harder to find legitimate information. 

Bots and/or patriotic trolls are effective tools to achieve this effect.

This Technique previously used the name Flooding the Information Space.

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©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Government rumour control office (what can we learn?) (8b20ca17-c2d9-5879-bbf1-26de876c8e02) Detections Flood Information Space (ee7bc41a-9eb0-5732-924a-3885e1c3bee9) Techniques 1
Flood Information Space (ee7bc41a-9eb0-5732-924a-3885e1c3bee9) Techniques Analyse viral fizzle (1d6622ba-a713-5133-9017-8eef36469936) Detections 1
Flag the information spaces so people know about active flooding effort (ea1d787b-61f7-5fd6-8c52-54a64006e260) Detections Flood Information Space (ee7bc41a-9eb0-5732-924a-3885e1c3bee9) Techniques 1
Seize and analyse botnet servers (ae4b53ba-9dd6-53af-a624-d5929944117c) Countermeasures Flood Information Space (ee7bc41a-9eb0-5732-924a-3885e1c3bee9) Techniques 1
Flood Information Space (ee7bc41a-9eb0-5732-924a-3885e1c3bee9) Techniques Need way for end user to report operations (568f9e72-ca8c-54dd-976f-f9469bf026c1) Detections 1
Government rumour control office (what can we learn?) (8b20ca17-c2d9-5879-bbf1-26de876c8e02) Detections Private Cluster (bd7a51b3-d00c-575f-a16e-6f51e5a67743) Unknown 2
Analyse viral fizzle (1d6622ba-a713-5133-9017-8eef36469936) Detections Private Cluster (bd7a51b3-d00c-575f-a16e-6f51e5a67743) Unknown 2
Flag the information spaces so people know about active flooding effort (ea1d787b-61f7-5fd6-8c52-54a64006e260) Detections Private Cluster (bd7a51b3-d00c-575f-a16e-6f51e5a67743) Unknown 2
server admininistrator (b7db36e3-3dbb-5f91-be61-076996a4c57b) Actor Types Seize and analyse botnet servers (ae4b53ba-9dd6-53af-a624-d5929944117c) Countermeasures 2
Need way for end user to report operations (568f9e72-ca8c-54dd-976f-f9469bf026c1) Detections Private Cluster (bd7a51b3-d00c-575f-a16e-6f51e5a67743) Unknown 2