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Conduct Fundraising (7f21fe4b-d314-5511-a9b1-0b9fcfee8b5e)

Fundraising campaigns refer to an influence operation’s systematic effort to seek financial support for a charity, cause, or other enterprise using online activities that further promote operation information pathways while raising a profit. Many influence operations have engaged in crowdfunding services166 on platforms including Tipee, Patreon, and GoFundMe. An operation may use its previously prepared fundraising campaigns to promote operation messaging while raising money to support its activities.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Conduct Fundraising (7f21fe4b-d314-5511-a9b1-0b9fcfee8b5e) Techniques Report crowdfunder as violator (99575145-b81a-5c7d-8107-e2ad419b3e20) Countermeasures 1
Conduct Fundraising (7f21fe4b-d314-5511-a9b1-0b9fcfee8b5e) Techniques Denigrate the recipient/ project (of online funding) (f3cd91e7-b21a-529f-82bd-dd3aa3c3106b) Countermeasures 1
Report crowdfunder as violator (99575145-b81a-5c7d-8107-e2ad419b3e20) Countermeasures Private Cluster (bd7a51b3-d00c-575f-a16e-6f51e5a67743) Unknown 2
Denigrate the recipient/ project (of online funding) (f3cd91e7-b21a-529f-82bd-dd3aa3c3106b) Countermeasures Private Cluster (bd7a51b3-d00c-575f-a16e-6f51e5a67743) Unknown 2