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Have a disinformation response plan (595e5d8a-7e41-5597-9375-86c7d703de29)
e.g. Create a campaign plan and toolkit for competition short of armed conflict (this used to be called “the grey zone”). The campaign plan should account for own vulnerabilities and strengths, and not over-rely on any one tool of statecraft or line of effort. It will identify and employ a broad spectrum of national power to deter, compete, and counter (where necessary) other countries’ approaches, and will include understanding of own capabilities, capabilities of disinformation creators, and international standards of conduct to compete in, shrink the size, and ultimately deter use of competition short of armed conflict.
Cluster A![]() |
Galaxy A![]() |
Cluster B![]() |
Galaxy B![]() |
Level![]() |
Have a disinformation response plan (595e5d8a-7e41-5597-9375-86c7d703de29) | Countermeasures | Private Cluster (bd7a51b3-d00c-575f-a16e-6f51e5a67743) | Unknown | 1 |
Have a disinformation response plan (595e5d8a-7e41-5597-9375-86c7d703de29) | Countermeasures | Private Cluster (bd7a51b3-d00c-575f-a16e-6f51e5a67743) | Unknown | 1 |