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Ramnit (8ed81090-f098-4878-b87e-2d801b170759)

Ramnit is a Computer worm affecting Windows users. It was estimated that it infected 800 000 Windows PCs between September and December 2011. The Ramnit botnet was dismantled by Europol and Symantec securities in 2015. In 2015, this infection was estimated at 3 200 000 PCs.

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©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Ramnit (8ed81090-f098-4878-b87e-2d801b170759) Botnet Ramnit (542161c0-47a4-4297-baca-5ed98386d228) Malpedia 1
Ramnit (8ed81090-f098-4878-b87e-2d801b170759) Botnet Ramnit (7e2288ec-e7d4-4833-9245-a2bc5ae40ee2) Banker 1
Ramnit (542161c0-47a4-4297-baca-5ed98386d228) Malpedia Ramnit (7e2288ec-e7d4-4833-9245-a2bc5ae40ee2) Banker 2