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Qakbot (b2ec1f16-2a76-4910-adc5-ecb3570e7c1a)

Qakbot is a banking trojan that leverages webinjects to steal banking information from victims. It also utilizes DGA for command and control. It is primarily delivered via exploit kits.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
QakBot (2ccaccd0-8362-4224-8497-2012e7cc7549) Malpedia Qakbot (b2ec1f16-2a76-4910-adc5-ecb3570e7c1a) Banker 1
Qakbot (b2ec1f16-2a76-4910-adc5-ecb3570e7c1a) Banker Akbot (ac2ff27d-a7cb-46fe-ae32-cfe571dc614d) Tool 1
Akbot (6e1168e6-7768-4fa2-951f-6d6934531633) Botnet Akbot (ac2ff27d-a7cb-46fe-ae32-cfe571dc614d) Tool 2
QakBot (2ccaccd0-8362-4224-8497-2012e7cc7549) Malpedia Akbot (ac2ff27d-a7cb-46fe-ae32-cfe571dc614d) Tool 2