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Tinba (5594b171-32ec-4145-b712-e7701effffdd)

Tinba is a very small banking trojan that hooks into browsers and steals login data and sniffs on network traffic. It also uses Man in The Browser (MiTB) and webinjects. Tinba is primarily delivered via exploit kits, malvertising and malspam email campaigns.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Tinba (75f53ead-1aee-4f91-8cb9-b4170d747cfc) Tool Tinba (5594b171-32ec-4145-b712-e7701effffdd) Banker 1
Tinba (5594b171-32ec-4145-b712-e7701effffdd) Banker Tinba (5eee35b6-bd21-4b67-b198-e9320fcf2c88) Malpedia 1
Tinba (75f53ead-1aee-4f91-8cb9-b4170d747cfc) Tool Hunter (96b2b31e-b191-43c4-9929-48ba1cbee62c) Exploit-Kit 2
Tinba (75f53ead-1aee-4f91-8cb9-b4170d747cfc) Tool Tinba (5eee35b6-bd21-4b67-b198-e9320fcf2c88) Malpedia 2