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UNC5266 (083a637b-c58c-4ccb-ab59-81d783873e80)

Mandiant created UNC5266 to track post-disclosure exploitation leading to deployment of Bishop Fox's SLIVER implant framework, a WARPWIRE variant, and a new malware family that Mandiant has named TERRIBLETEA. At this time, based on observed infrastructure usage similarities, Mandiant suspects with moderate confidence that UNC5266 overlaps in part with UNC3569, a China-nexus espionage actor that has been observed exploiting vulnerabilities in Aspera Faspex, Microsoft Exchange, and Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator, among others, to gain initial access to target environments.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
TERRIBLETEA (4838b37b-2d1f-4cb8-945d-7185580f0bff) Backdoor UNC5266 (083a637b-c58c-4ccb-ab59-81d783873e80) Threat Actor 1
SLIVER (84c2d789-64be-429b-aeee-253a4e0e2aff) Tool UNC5266 (083a637b-c58c-4ccb-ab59-81d783873e80) Threat Actor 1